Hot wine punch quite different, but super tasty! Not too sweet – not too much alcohol. Made from the best organic apples from Germany and refined with natural extracts of vanilla, cinnamon and clove. This special fusion of the apple with high-quality spices is a warming alternative during the cold winter season.
- 100% organic apple juice
- Exquisite natural spice extracts
- No added sugar
- 4.0% vol. alcohol content
glühapfel® alcohol free
For all who don’t want to drink alcohol, but still don’t want to miss the wintery apple taste.
Made out of organic direct juice and a great variety of exquisite organic spices, this new specialty naturally warms without any added sugar and is a hot wine punch for the whole family.
- 100% organic apple juice
- Exquisite natural spice extracts
- No added sugar
- alcohol free
Jetzt wird es beerig. Premium Heißgetränk aus einem magischen Beerencuvée von Joahnissbeeren, Brombeeren und Holunderbeeren. Wohlig, kräftiger Genuss mit 8,5% vol. Alles wie gewohnt in 100% Bioqualität und hochwertigesten Gewürzextrakten.
- 100% organic juice
- Exquisite natural spice extracts
- No added sugar
- 8,5% vol. alcohol content
glühbeere alcohol free
Premium hot drink from a magical organic berry fruit cuvée. Natural handmade production from local fruits refined with elderberries. Alcohol-free variant for the whole family from 100% organic juice without added sugar.
- 100% organic juice
- Exquisite natural spice extracts
- No added sugar
- alcohol free